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Support the Believe in Indiana Eta campaign today!
October 2015 marked the one year anniversary of the kick-off of our first Indiana Eta Annual Fund. Alumni generously gave more than we imagined and our brothers have seen the benefits in the quality of living in our chapter house. Alumni support for Indiana Eta is exceptional – and the Alumni Volunteer Cooperation (AVC) is beyond grateful.
Not only are alumni making an impact on Indiana Eta, but so are our undergraduate brothers. Over the past year, active brothers demonstrated the academic and leadership values of Indiana Eta when they set the example for others by having the entire executive board present at the Carlson Leadership Academy in February. Because of this, they were entered into a drawing for a Balance Man Scholarship and won! We could not be prouder of our undergraduate brothers carrying on the exceptional legacy set before them.
Thanks to the help of 49 brothers, we were able to raise $22,700 during our 2014-2015 Indiana Eta Annual Fund allowing the AVC to send seven undergraduate brothers to Conclave and make many repairs to our chapter house. These repairs improved the quality of living for our undergraduate brothers to more adequately correlate the cost of living in the facility. At the end of the campaign, we were able to make the following improvements to our house:
- Replace all remaining windows
- Install commercial grade washers and dryers
- Install new sinks in the upstairs bathroom
- Remodel the entire kitchen – new flooring, cabinets, recessed lighting, curtains, sink, microwave and stove
You may have heard the exciting news that the AVC is currently exploring the feasibility of building a new chapter house. We hope to make this dream a reality, but in the meantime, we still need to keep our current house safe and livable for our undergraduate brothers. The money donated allowed us to do just that. None of the above renovations would have been possible without continued support from our alumni brothers.
We achieved more than we expected with the 2014-2015 Indiana Eta Annual Fund, however, we still need your help! This year, we plan to raise $22,500 toward the Believe in Indiana Eta campaign. This campaign will ensure Indiana Eta maintains our outstanding national reputation for our commitment to academic and educational development.
We will use the funds raised during the Believe in Indiana Eta campaign to prepare our undergraduate brothers for a bright academic future without the burden of higher educational costs. Funds contributed during this campaign will:
- Foster attendance for leadership conferences, including the Carlson Leadership Academy and other SigEp Leadership Continuum events such as Ruck, Quest to Greece, Conclave, EDGE and the Phil Cox Volunteer Institute.
- Contribute to the Chapter Balanced Man Scholarship/Robert Swindell Balanced Man Scholarship.
- Improve alumni events which provide alumni a chance to mentor our younger undergraduate brothers as well as re-connect with other alumni.
I encourage you to consider making a gift of $1,000 to the Believe in Indiana Eta campaign today. If this amount is more than you can manage, please consider giving $500 or $250. Your financial contribution to Indiana Eta is a commitment to our undergraduate brothers, our mission and our future.
To make your gift, simply click “Support the Campaign” on the right side of this page. You can choose to make a one-time contribution or break your gift into monthly, quarterly or semi-annual payments. You can even set up a recurring charge to your credit card or draft from your checking account – whichever you prefer.
I hope you will join me in supporting Indiana Eta by giving to the Believe in Indiana Eta campaign. Without alumni like you, our brothers would not have the financial support needed to continue building balanced men in the future.
In Phi,
Brandan Haines
Fundraising Chair
Class of 1999